
DPL-IL Class of 2023 Semester I Briefing

Gd. Radiopoetro Lt. 1 Jalan Farmako, Sekip Utara, Yogyakarta, 55281 E:

The Briefing of Field Supervising Lecturers (DPL) and Field Instructors (IL) for the 2nd Semester of the 1st Year of the 2023 Intake is conducted to provide an overview of the activities in the 2nd semester of Year 1.

Semester 6 Overview Lecture and Expert Session

Students of the 2020 FK-KMK cohort commenced the CFHC-IPE program in their 6th semester by participating in the Overview Lecture and Expert sessions. It's hoped that through attending these lectures, students will grasp a general overview of the CFHC-IPE activities in the 6th semester, understand information related to the activities, their schedules, assignments, and assessments during the 6th semester CFHC-IPE activities, as well as comprehend the strategies for community service.

DPL-IL Class of 2022 Semester IV Briefing

Gd. Radiopoetro Lt. 1 Jalan Farmako, Sekip Utara, Yogyakarta, 55281 E:

The Briefing of Field Supervising Lecturers (DPL) and Field Instructors (IL) for the 4th Semester of the 2nd Year of the 2022 Intake is conducted to provide an overview of the activities in the 4th semester of Year 2.

Penarikan Mahasiswa CFHC-IPE Angkatan 2020

Kegiatan Penarikan Mahasiswa Angkatan 2020 dilaksanakan untuk mengevaluasi kegiatan CFHC-IPE dan menarik kembali mahasiswa dari padukuhan mitra yang didampingi

Welcoming back CFHC-IPE Students Class of 2020

Kegiatan Penarikan Mahasiswa Angkatan 2020 dilaksanakan untuk mengevaluasi kegiatan CFHC-IPE dan menarik kembali mahasiswa dari padukuhan mitra yang didampingi

Semester 2 Overview Lecture #1

The aim of this lecture is for students to understand the concepts of health and illness for individuals and families, to comprehend the concepts of family folders, ecomaps, and their implementation in IPE, for students to understand their roles within partner families, and for students to properly and accurately fill out family folders.

Semester 4 Overview Lecture and Expert Session

The purpose of this lecture is to provide students with an understanding of potential emergency scenarios and equip them with the knowledge of how to effectively respond to emergencies within partner families

2022 Cohort Field Immersion Program in Setan and Kebur Lor Hamlets

In their third year, the students will carry out activities focused on the topic of Community Health and Disaster Risk Reduction. Based on this theme, the students will work with small community groups called "dasawisma." To support this, a field immersion is organized to introduce the students to additional partner families, build stronger relationships, and enhance community trust in the CFHC-IPE program.

2022 Cohort Field Immersion Program in Noyokerten and Pokoh Hamlets

In their third year, the students will carry out activities focused on the topic of Community Health and Disaster Risk Reduction. Based on this theme, the students will work with small community groups called "dasawisma." To support this, a field immersion is organized to introduce the students to additional partner families, build stronger relationships, and enhance community trust in the CFHC-IPE program.

2022 Cohort Field Immersion Program in Donolayan and Banteran Hamlets

In their third year, the students will carry out activities focused on the topic of Community Health and Disaster Risk Reduction. Based on this theme, the students will work with small community groups called "dasawisma." To support this, a field immersion is organized to introduce the students to additional partner families, build stronger relationships, and enhance community trust in the CFHC-IPE program.