
October 20, 2023

Coordination with the Sleman District Health Office regarding the Determination of Partner Community Health Centers in 2023

CFHC-IPE | FKKMK. The first year marks the period when students begin to interact with partner families, precisely in the second semester. As a preparatory step, […]
February 28, 2023

Overview and Expert Lecture Semester 6 Class of 2020: Preparation

FK-KMK Class of 2020 students started the CFHC-IPE program in semester 6 by taking part in Overview and Expert Lecture activities. This activity was carried out by the Year 3 Coordinator (KORTA 3) and facilitated by the CFHC-IPE secretariat team. Lecture activities will be held online on Friday, February 24 2023 via Zoom Meeting. The hope is that by attending this lecture students will be able to understand a general overview of CFHC-IPE semester 6 activities, understand information related to activities, activity schedules, assignments and assessments during CFHC-IPE semester 6 activities, and understand tips for carrying out community service.
February 20, 2023

DPL-IL Class of 2022 Semester II Briefing

Starting CFHC-IPE Semester 2 activities, Field Supervisors (DPL) and Field Instructors (IL) for the Class of 2022 held a briefing to equalize perceptions between CFHC-IPE managerial, Year Coordinator (KORTA) 1 and the CFHC-IPE secretariat. The activity was held on Wednesday, February 15 2023 at 13.10 – 15.05 WIB at the Lecture Room of the Radiopoetro Building, Floor 1, FK-KMK UGM.
January 30, 2023

Partner Family Requests for Class of 2022 Students

In implementing CFHC-IPE activities, the role of stakeholders cannot be separated, namely the community groups who have been appointed by the Community Health Center and the local Village Government. The CFHC-IPE Secretariat, accompanied by Managerial and KORTA 1, carries out outreach and coordination with the appointed dukuhan. We visited a total of 10 hamlets with Field Instructors (IL). The distribution of visits to the padukuhan was carried out over 4 days.